The People Science story is still in its infancy, but we believe we are bringing truly game-changing concepts and practices to organizational agility, redeployment and talent functions, as well as to the areas of individual, team and organizational growth and development. Most of all we are trying to bring a fair, honest, genuinely meritocratic and impartial philosophy and methodology to talent in all walks of life and work - ambitious eh?
To help us do this, People Science applies state of the art science and technology to create and deliver intelligent and workable human capital solutions for our clients. With decades of experience in recruitment, outplacement, redeployment, as well as talent and career management consulting and coaching - we aim to enable each person to develop their careers and guide them on their way to success and fulfillment in their working lives.
My own career journey began in the mid-nineties when managing a large interstate recruitment project hopping between Perth and Darwin - I landed in the Northern Territory with interview rooms and computers booked but crucially not actually available. Far more humanly impacting, was the fact candidates I was interviewing still had little to no work credentials, or indeed any documents, some 20 years after the visit of a devastating cyclone named Tracy. Long story short - I went from "woe is me, where's all my tech stuff and rooms" to a far more other-person-first or 'candidate is king' philosophy regarding talent selection and development. Since then, I have run countless assessment centres, high potential and leadership identification assignments, and written hundreds if not thousands of psychological reports to help ascertain if a person is a good fit for a particular job.
In 2000, I went to New York and Connecticut and had the great pleasure of meeting and working with Charles J Wolfe (Chuck to his friends) and David Caruso - two of the pioneers in the field of Emotional Intelligence. I was convinced by the science of EI-based people skills like reading emotions and empathy and subsequently I looked at EI abilities, in conjunction with personality and intelligence, among working Australians for my doctoral thesis.
Around the same time, I also became inspired, as many have been, by Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy and was fascinated by the concept of Psychohistory - being able to predict the future of complex human systems and even empires, using psychology and statistics. Sidenote: the critically acclaimed TV series of Foundation scandalously relegates psychologists as the psychohistory-wielding heroes, replacing them with math nerds. But I digress...
As a result, I have endeavored to apply the most robust science in the field of people at work, in combination with knowledge and experience gained over decades, to build our talent platform powered by People Science® - where the candidate comes first, with transparent and detailed feedback freely available. Equal focus is on allowing the client to visualize their employees and teams and fairly consider them on their merits, exploring career paths on the basis of individual preferences, styles, values, abilities, demonstrated qualifications/skills and relevant experience.
People Science founder - Dr David Stritch